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HomeYogaYoga: The Spiritual Side

Yoga: The Spiritual Side

“What is the spiritual side of Yoga?” many people wonder. As yoga becomes more popular around the world, many people who previously thought of it as solely a physical workout may have second thoughts. While there is no doubt that practitioners who make Yoga a way of life benefit more from the practice, is it possible to practice Yoga without experiencing the spiritual aspect? Is it possible that the act of doing the postures causes small changes in and of itself? After all, physical workouts prepare both the body and the mind for a contemplative state.

While most individuals pursue yoga instruction for its physical benefits, the practice of yoga can also benefit us in other ways. Yoga is profoundly steeped in spirituality, and many of the poses have deeper goals that extend beyond simple stretching and muscle strengthening. Yoga’s holistic effect allows practitioners to enhance not only their physical strength and flexibility, but also their emotions, mentality, and attention.

This ancient science goes well beyond the mere physical aspects, by way of deepening the link between mind, body and most important of all, the soul. Yoga’s spiritual component can help yogis establish inner being unification as well as oneness with the Supreme Consciousness.

Spiritual Laws of Yoga

  • The Law of Pure Potentiality states that your true nature is pure consciousness, the limitless source of all that exists in the physical world. Because you are inextricably linked to the field of consciousness, you are infinitely creative, limitless, and eternal.
  • Giving and receiving are diverse expressions of the same flow of energy in the universe, according to the Law of Giving and Receiving. Because the cosmos is in constant and dynamic trade, you must give and receive in order to maintain abundance, love, and everything else you desire circulating in your life.
  • The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) states that every action generates an energy force that is returned to you in like. When you choose behavior that offers happiness and success to others, you reap the benefits of your karma.
  • The Law of Least Effort states that you can most easily fulfill your desires when your actions are motivated by love and you expend the least amount of effort by offering no resistance. In this way, you can tap into the universe’s unlimited organizing power to do less while accomplishing more.
  • The Law of Intention and Desire: The mechanisms for fulfilling an intention or desire are inherent in them. When you become quiet and enter your intentions into the field of pure potentiality, you tap into the universe’s limitless organizing force, which can effortlessly actualize your desires.
  • The Law of Detachment states that everything unfolds perfectly at the spiritual level. You don’t have to fight or force things to go your way. Instead, you might intend for things to go as planned, take action, and then wait for opportunities to present themselves.
  • The Law of Dharma states that everyone has a Dharma or purpose in life. You will experience endless love, abundance, and true joy in your life if you express your unique gifts and use them to benefit others.

Internal Benefits of Yoga

Yoga and meditation help to maintain inner and outer harmony

Furthermore, the balance, flexibility, and attentiveness you attain on the yoga mat are mirrored in your actions and attitude off the yoga mat. Breathing through challenging postures might help you breathe through difficult times. Stretching to your limit in yoga poses without comparing yourself to others can lead to a mindset of doing your best in a situation and letting go. This mindset aids in stress management. Physical flexibility leads to mental flexibility. Simultaneously, mental flexibility (for example, an “I can do it” attitude) leads to physical flexibility.

Inner Strength Is achieved by Spirituality

“Spirituality is all about living a happy life ‘in the now,’ responding to things rather than reacting, de-programming and connecting with my Self to come up with a new answer to situations that repeat themselves.” Yoga and meditation are excellent for this!

Yoga and meditation are a potent combination, and many practitioners like to round off their yoga regimen with meditation. Meditation can bring a deep sense of relaxation when the wobbly body gets steadier and the troubled mind becomes quieter.

Increasing Consciousness

Yogis who commit to a regular yoga practice attempt to feel and become aware of the spirit, or energy. Here, not talking about ghostly spirits or supernatural beings here; the spirit is higher consciousness; a driving force, motivation, and reason behind everything we think and do. It is a spiritual experience to be aware of this energy. As a result, awareness is essential to yoga as a spiritual practice.

Consider the phrase “the mat is your mirror.” When you arrive at the mat, you simply bring yourself — all of yourself. When you arrive at the mat, you simply bring yourself — all of yourself. If you practice yoga with an awareness of yourself, you will learn about the various ways you act, respond, and what you are like – by creating awareness of yourself, you may modify your mind, which will affect how you live your life and connect with others.

Giving Up Control

Keep in mind that awareness does not necessarily lead to where you wish to go. Yoga as a spiritual practice is not about changing your life in order to get more money, be a “better” person, or have a job you enjoy. Yoga is not about getting rid of negativity by regulating your thoughts and your body.

Practicing yoga, on the other hand, teaches you that there is no such thing as a “sweet spot” — there will always be a barking dog, a car that runs out of gas, a bad-tempered employer, or an inattentive boyfriend. There will always be something that you could do without or improve upon. Developing a spiritual side through yoga entails holding your pose regardless of the conditions by being mindful of yourself and your experience.

A Calm Mind

People spend much of their time evaluating their behaviors and focusing on their physical performance rather than simply being. How can you build awareness if you don’t make the time and space to connect with oneself deeper? Yoga provides you with the room to accomplish just that. Many teachers will emphasize the importance of the quiet mind – push yourself through the intensely physical postures until you are fatigued enough to enter your sacred inner place or quiet mind. Simply be. Expect no optimism, tranquility, or happiness, but be aware of it if it appears. Be mindful of your surroundings and grateful for everything you encounter. Yoga becomes a spiritual practice when you incorporate this attitude of gratitude and surrender into your daily life away from the mat.

Good yoga practice allows its practitioners to find peace – both within themselves and with the external world in which they live. The spiritual side of yoga stresses the acquisition of calm and purity of mind, whereas posture perfection is secondary. When we practice yoga with a spiritual perspective, we recognize that the ultimate goal is transformation and awakening of our true inner-self. Awakening to one’s true self entails achieving one’s full potential. Realizing our latent potential helps us to express the totality of our divine essence and thus make the biggest contribution to the world imaginable.

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Aayushi Chopra
Aayushi Chopra
Aayushi Chopra is a law student who is interested in creating content on education, lifestyle, law, health, and environment. She enjoys researching different topics and then expressing her views on them.

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