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HomeYogaYoga for Well-being: International Day of Yoga

Yoga for Well-being: International Day of Yoga

The International Day of Yoga has been yearly commemorated on 21st June since 2015, obeying its origin in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual exercise that arose in India. The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in his UN address proposed the date of 21st June, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a unique implication in several portions of the world.


The first International Day of Yoga was identified around the planet on 21st June 2015. The Ministry of AYUSH made the essential pacts in India. 35,985 people, comprising PM Modi and VIP from 84 nations, conducted 21 asanas (yoga postures) for 35 minutes at Rajpath in New Delhi, coming to be the largest yoga class ever carried, and with the enormous number of people joining in cities in India and around the world each year since then.

Theme of World Yoga Day

The International Day of Yoga 2021 theme declared by the United nation is “Yoga for well-being”.

The International Day of Yoga theme of 2020 was “Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family” it was due to the country has faced the rising numbers of Covid-19.

The International Day of Yoga theme of 2019 was “Climate Change” and it was commemorated at United Nations on 20th June 2019 “Yoga with Gurus” come after by a panel conversation on 21st June 2019.

History of International Yoga Day

International Day of Yoga or one can callback Antarashtriya Yog Divas is an annual occasion celebrated across the world on June 21st since its beginning in 2015.

Yog Divas was first recommended by Prime Minister. On International Yoga Day, folk around the world are ready to take out their yoga carpets and begin exercising, but they might not be familiar that yoga goes ago centuries.Yoga is deemed to be an ancient practice that emanated 5,000 years back in India. Yoga was formulated as a way to connect the mind, physique and soul a notch near to sophistication. As the method came to be famous in the west, it grew up popularity as an exercise and recreation method, with assertions to enable the body’s comprehensive well-being, ameliorate physical injuries and continual pain.

The idea of the International Day of Yoga was initially proposed by the existing Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, during his lectures at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on 27 September 2014.

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, can help in well being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day. —  Narendra Modi

Pursuing this initial proposal, the UNGA held casual conferences on the draft outcome, entitled “International Day of Yoga”, on 14 October 2014. The conferences was summoned by the committee of India. In 2015 Reserve Bank of India launched a 10 rupees commemorating coin to caption the International Day of Yoga. In April 2017, UN Postal Administration (UNPA) published 10 stamps on Asanas on a solitary sheet to caption International Day of Yoga.

Origin of Yoga

According to the tales of yoga, Shiva was the initial man gave the understanding of yoga to his seven followers. It is speculated that on the first full moon day after the summer solstice, these seven sages were given the instructions of Yoga and so this day is also commemorated as Shiva’s manifestation. This period is also remembered as Dakshinayan. It is also asserted that during this interval, if a conscientious rehearsal is done, the nature also contribute support or association to attain spiritual motives.

The word YOGA is “ Yuj ” meaning describes emanated from “to join” or “to unite”. Its meaning as Sanskrit the So the word yoga root “Union”. Nobody knows about the exact origin for yoga, as it does not allow any chronology. It has been said that yoga has been coming into existence from the time of the Indus Valley Civilization. But one can not truly trust it because we find the word “yog ” throughout our traditional documents. The scared text contains a brief description about yoga in books like Mahabharata, Geeta and knowledge about “ yog ”. Yoga has been founded by “Patanjali”. Earlier also many people had given their opinions on the use and benefits of yoga but it is known to be founded by Patanjali.

Why do we need Yoga?

This is the first question asked by every individual when they got to know or hear about yoga. Yoga is not that all about physics and mental fitness. It is a lot about many things. Yoga is a connection or a state in which a being get connected to through body and mind. So Yoga is an association physical, mental and spiritual practice of or discipline that emanated in ancient times.


Now why yoga is so important for one being, this is because yoga stay fit physically helps us to as well as mentally and help us to get connected with spirituality, moving to the next question that how yoga changes our lifestyle. Through yoga, we train our mind to be calm, process and self evaluating. In our life, we take so many decisions in day to day lifestyles. We go through a lot of mental pressure, anxiety, stress and so on. Well have to face these problems every day and to overcome or cope up with these problems we need to be calm and a good observer, one can solve any problems with mind.

A study conducted by unconscious Harvard University has shown that people who do yoga have more capacity to handle high tolerance for anxiety and pain and we’re also more capable to express their pain and stress reactions. In addition, yoga pressure work as a stress reliever, control blood and solace respiration. It helps one is to fight depression and mood swings. Yoga is not all about stretching and poses, it is more than that.

Yoga is an inclusive practice embodying multiple life principles, such as:

  1. Moral Code (Yama)
  2. Self-discipline (Niyama)
  3. Postures or poses (Asanas)
  4. The mildness Breathing (Pranayama)
  5. Detachment from senses (Pratyahara)
  6. Concentration (Dharana)
  7. Meditation (Dhyana)
  8. State of Rest (Savasana)
  9. Ecstasy (Samadhi)

Leitmotif of Yoga Day

  • It is celebrated to make people conscious of the advantages of yoga and relate them with individuality.
  • In order to curtail the rate of health-challenging disorders all around the world.
  • Dissipating growth, advancement, and peace throughout the world and assembling whole world to celebrate the spirit of nature.
  • The most important objective is to making people aware of their corporal and cognitive illnesses and procuring treatments through yoga.
  • It furthermore intends to formulate a habit of introspection for peace of mind, self-awareness which is crucial to withstand in a stress-free atmosphere.

Also read: Five Must Follow Yogaasans for Beginners

Yoga was also practiced and highlighted by a prominent leader of India Swami Vivekananda. In 1893 he also honored the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, America in which he inaugurated yoga to the Western world. After that, several eastern gurus and yogis circulate yoga across the world and on a huge plating, people began adopting it. Even yoga started up to be studied in the aspect of a subject, and then it became known that there are long-term advantages of yoga. In the prior fifty years, this is not only a worldwide sensation, but thousands of community from all over the world have rendered it as a basis of their day-to-day life ritual.



  1. Awesome content …most of the things I read were new to me so I can say it’s uncommon content telling us real aspects of yoga diwas.

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