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HomeHealthIs Alcohol Good for Health?

Is Alcohol Good for Health?

Alcohol Consumption in India's Perspective

We all know that alcohol is a drink that includes ethanol, a type of alcohol created by the fermentation of fruits, grains and other sources of sugar. The consumption of alcohol plays a significant role in many regions. Most of the countries have laws regulating the production and consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. But, alcohol is illegal in many countries.

Alcoholism and Causes

Drinking alcohol that results in significant mental or physical health problems. Alcoholism is not a cognize diagnostic setup. Predominant diagnostic classifications are alcohol use disorder.

Excessive alcohol use can damage all organ systems, but it particularly affects the heart, liver, brain and immune system.

Alcoholism can result in irregular heartbeat, an increased cancer risk, and mental illness. Women are generally more sensitive than a man to the harmful effects of alcoholism, due to their tinier body weight, worse capability to metabolize alcohol and higher amount of body fat.

Environmental characteristics and genetics are two factors involving danger for alcoholism, with about half the danger indicated to each. Environmental factors contain the cultural, social and behavioural impact. Excessive stress levels and anxiety, and also alcohol’s cheap cost and easy availability, raise the risk.

The insecurity of alcohol subordination begins at low levels of drinking and raise directly with both the volume of alcohol expended and a pattern of drinking bigger amounts on occasion, to the point of intoxication, which is sometimes called “binge drinking”.

Alcoholism is identified by a raised tolerance to alcohol, which processes that an individual can utilize more alcohol.

The physical reliance caused by alcohol can conduct to an affected people having a very strong desire to drink alcohol.   

Is Alcohol Good for Health?

Alcohol can be a harmful drink. If you choose to drink alcoholit can impact your body starts from the moment you take your first sip, one glass of alcohol a day may do little damage to your overall health.


Drinking too much alcohol can put you at risk of cancers, like cancer of the liver, breast, mouth, throat etc.

Alcohol can impact your immune system. If you drink regularly, or almost every single day, you might catch a cold, or other illnesses more effectively than people who do not prefer to drink. This is because alcohol attacks your immunity and make the body more susceptible to infections.

Too much alcohol is awfully not good for your heart. It can cause the heart too weak and have an irregular beat pattern. It also put us at high risk for developing high blood pressure.

Also read: Managing Mental Health during COVID-19

Drink too much causes bacteria to grow in your gut, which can eventually migrate through the intestinal wall into the liver, leading to liver damage.

Drinking leads your bodywork to do that keeps it from other functions. Once you drink alcohol, your body makes metabolizing it a priority above processing anything else. This is why it affects your liver, as it’s your liver’s job to do detoxify and remove alcohol from your blood.

Alcohol can produce detectable impairments in memory after a few drinks. Too much alcohol, especially when consumed quickly on an empty stomach, can produce a blackout.

  • Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a serious burning and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that stop proper digestion.
  • Having more than one drink a day increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. 

Warning hints of alcoholism add the consumption of expanding amounts of alcohol and general intoxication, pensiveness with drinking to the rejection of other activities, commitments to quit drinking and loss to keep those commitments.

The inability to remember what was said or done while drinking, personality changes associated with drinking, the refusal to admit unnecessary drinking, dysfunction or other issues at work or school, the losing of interest in personal perspective or hygiene, marital and economic problems, and the complaint of poor health, with loss of appetite, respiratory infection, or increased stress and depression.     

This is how alcohol can’t be a safe drink. In this generation, drinking is becoming a fashion, but somehow it cause a lifetime impact. There are so many disadvantages and side effects of alcohol.

 Underage Alcohol Drinking

When anyone under age 18 drinks alcohol, we call it immature or underage drinking. And immature drinking is against the law. Underage drinking is also risky and bad. It can harm the mind and body of growing teen in ways many people don’t realize.

Although, children and teens still rink, even though it can harm them. Underage drinking is a major problem, with roots deep in our culture. It is time to tell children and teens that underage drinking is not good.

When young individual drinks, they drink plenty at one time. Youngsters drink less often than adults. But when the youngster does drink, they drink extra than adults. This is a very risky way of drinking that can lead to significant health issues and even death.

Many things affect a young person’s decisions about drinking like he or she has issues with their family, friends, or at school, they take unfortunate steps just like drinking. Teens with behaviour or family problems are at higher risk for alcohol use. And if anyone in the family has a drinking problem, it can affect the entire family. It also may influence a youngster’s choices about drinking.

Underage alcohol use can lead to dangerous behaviour, property damage, and violence. The results can be injury and even death for the drinker, and other people nearby. People who die in car accidents involving a drinking driver under age or youngsters.

Steps: Government Should Take to Prevent Alcoholism


World Health Organization (WHO), the European Union and other regional bodies, national government and parliament have formed alcohol policies to reduce the harm of alcoholism.

Excessing the age at which legitimate drugs that are receptive to misuse, as alcohol, can be purchased, and are common methods to reduce alcohol use among adolescents and young adults in specific.   

India is one of the biggest founders of alcohol in the world. The certain evaluation of unrecorded alcohol production and utilization is not clearly known. The documentation on the general impacts of alcohol has been bad in India.  

There are many laws governing alcohol and alcohol consumption. The licensing act sets rules about where alcohol may be sold and prohibits the sale of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18.

The government runs operations to teach young individual about alcohol misuse and alcoholism, and to stop underage drinking. The government also incentive perception campaigns at schools.

  • Preventing dangerous alcohol consumption
  • Preventing young people from drinking before they turn 18
  • Reducing harm caused by alcohol abuse, such as public antisocial behaviour, violence and accidents.
  • Preventing people from becoming psychologically or physically dependent on alcohol.

There are so many different ways that we can personally prevent drinking. Those who approach alcoholism as a medical condition or diseases recommend differing treatments from, for instance, those who approach the condition as one of social choice. Most treatment focus on helping people discontinue their alcohol intake, followed up with life training or social support to help them resist a return to alcohol use.      

Fatema Kapadia
Fatema Kapadia
Fatema Kapadia is a creative content writer with a curious mindset. She is a graduate of English literature from MSU Vadodara. She is keen on topics related to current affairs, health, and social issues.

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