Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a serious eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable and repeated episodes of food overindulgence. While binge eating is a common behavior, BED is much more extreme: it is a disorder in which the person cannot stop eating, even when they are uncomfortably full or have eaten far more than they intended. Binge eating can happen once or many times a day, and can range from a few bites to whole meals or even a whole cake or bag of chips. Sometimes binge eating is used to hide feelings such as sadness or shame.
Many people don’t even realize they are doing it so don’t worry, we are here to help you and will tell you how to overcome the problem in this article.
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1. Ditch the diet

The first step to overcoming binge eating is to ditch the diet. Instead of trying to eat less, focus on changing your behavior when you’re feeling the urge to binge. For example, if you feel the urge to eat when you’re feeling anxious, distract yourself with physical activity like yoga or mindfulness practice. If that doesn’t work, try eating small amounts at regular intervals.
People with BED often gain control of their eating less gradually than people who don’t have the disorder, by using techniques such as gradual exposure to foods, avoiding food triggers, controlling portion sizes, using self-monitoring, and scheduling meals for when they are most likely to be able to resist temptation.
2. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is another method of developing self-regulation that can be used to beat your eating habits, boost your confidence, and create lasting change. To cultivate mindfulness in your life — whether you’re focusing on your breathing, making connections with your environment, or being aware of your senses — download a mindfulness app. You can use your phone to track your progress and stay motivated.
In the mindfulness practice, we learn to be aware of our physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts and to pay attention to our breathing. We learn to be mindful of how food affects us. We practice noting our food intake in the morning, at noon, and at bedtime, so we can learn to recognize what we’re hungry for, how to make healthy choices about food, and how to navigate difficult moments without reverting to unhealthy eating.
3. Consult a Specialist

If you’ve been struggling with binge eating, you may be ready to consult a specialist. Your doctor or dietitian may be able to refer you to a mental health professional who specializes in treating binge eating disorders. Generally, these professionals use a combination of talk therapy and medication to help you develop greater self-regulation and reduce your urge to binge. They may also help you find ways to cope with your emotions so that you don’t eat to cope.
Although many people benefit from therapy, most may feel uncomfortable talking about their problems with a professional. If you’re not sure if therapy is for you, it’s best to discuss your options with a counselor or therapist who can help you work through any concerns or doubts you might have.
4. Do Yoga

Yoga can help you connect with your body, which can help you take better care of yourself. Yoga is a great way to work on your body and mind, which can help you manage your emotions and improve your health. Yoga can help you work on your body and mind, which can help you manage your emotions and improve your health. Yoga can help you connect with your body, which can help you take better care of yourself.
Yoga can be a great way to connect with food and improve your health. By doing yoga, you can work on managing your feelings and taking better care of yourself. Yoga can also be a great tool to help you overcome binge eating. A yoga class that focuses on the practice of yoga can offer you a place to work on your issues in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
5. Drink Water

When you feel like binge eating, it can be hard to resist the urge. But by staying hydrated, you can better control when to eat and when to stop, which can help you to overcome your cravings and keep your bingeing in check. Hyperhydration is a condition in which you feel tired, dizzy, and have a strong need to urinate, which can lead to serious health concerns. Instead, use this quick and easy guide to stay hydrated while avoiding hyperhydration.
Long hours of studying, work, and other activities can leave you feeling tired and worn out. When you are tired, it is harder to keep your food intake under control. But staying hydrated can help you make better decisions when you’re tired, and it can help you overcome binge eating.
6. Sleep

Sleep can help dieters cement their habits and successfully maintain their weight. This chart shows recommended sleep hours as a function of age. Ideally, most adults need between seven and nine hours a night, with eight hours being the optimal amount.
Going to bed at the same time every night can provide a sense of control that helps people stay on track with their diet and fitness goals. Another benefit of going to bed at the same time every night is that if you’re watching television, you won’t be tempted to eat a snack right before bed.
7. Talk to Someone

Find a friend to talk to. Research shows that most people who gain weight after stomach surgery do not achieve long-term weight loss. However, many women who have had a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve are successful in achieving long-term weight loss and report feeling better both physically and mentally.
Look at who you have spent time with: Do they focus on your eating disorder and your nutrition, or on the food and what you eat? If they focus on the food, you might have problems. If they focus on your eating disorder, you will find a lot of ways to overcome it and the food will not derail you because it will be seen as a tool to overcome the disorder, rather than a problem to be endured.
8. Plan your meals

To overcome binge eating, we plan our meals in such a way that we don’t feel like we are depriving ourselves. At the same time, we can eat whatever we want without guilt. And we have so much choice that we often end up trying a dish we didn’t expect to like and then never trying again. And that’s when we find new food favorites and that’s how we keep the cravings at bay.
Planning diet meals ahead of time and sticking to them has a lot of benefits. For example, it helps you make sure you are eating enough to meet your needs, it helps you know when to stop eating, it makes you more aware of what you’re eating and helps you to choose healthier foods, and it helps you maintain a healthy weight.
9. Increase your protein intake

Protein is an essential nutrient. If you’re not getting enough protein in your diet, you can’t fully recover from the effects of starvation. For example, when you need to eat for a short period, you quickly become hungry again and your body can’t recover from that starvation fast. Furthermore, you may tend to overeat.
You can increase your protein intake in several ways. For example, you can eat more meat, legumes, or whey protein powder. Lean red meat is high in protein and low in fat and calories. It also provides iron, zinc, and B vitamins.
10. Keep a food and mood journal

Food journal – The first thing to do is to write down everything you eat in a food and mood journal. Keeping a food journal is an excellent way to keep track of exactly what you eat and how you feel afterward. It’s also a great way to become familiar with how your body reacts to foods and to motivate yourself to make better food choices.
Keep a Mood Journal – a way of tracking your binge eating behaviors and what you eat and how it makes you feel. A food journal is a great tool for monitoring your eating. It serves as a record of your progress over time, which can be used to help keep you on track with your goals.