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HomeHealthTop 10 Benefits of Drinking White Tea

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking White Tea

White tea is considered one of the most delicate types of tea because it undergoes minimal processing. As its name suggests, white tea is harvested before the leaves of the tea plant fully unfurl, when the young buds are still covered in fine white hairs.

These buds and unfurled leaves are carefully handpicked from the youngest growth of the tea plant and promptly dried to prevent oxidation, unlike the leaves harvested for green or black tea production. The result of this minimal processing and low oxidation is some of the freshest and most delicate teas available.

Now, let’s discuss the benefits of this unique tea.

1. Weight Loss Benefits

Weight loss - SocialDhara
Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss teas, green tea is often the first one that comes to mind. However, white tea may be just as effective at burning fat. White tea and green tea contain similar amounts of caffeine and catechins, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a substance in green tea that has been linked to fat burning. In fact, these ingredients seem to work better when consumed together.

While there is limited research on the long-term weight loss effects of white tea, it may simply be because it is not as well known as green tea in this regard. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between drinking white tea and weight loss.

2. Protecting Bone Health

Physiotherapist pointing at back bones on human skeleton
Bone Health

Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which bones become porous and hollow, increasing the risk of fractures and reducing the quality of life. This condition affects up to 44 million Americans over the age of 50. Studies suggest that free radicals and persistent inflammation can accelerate the onset of osteoporosis by promoting the activity of bone-eroding cells while suppressing those that contribute to bone formation.

Fortunately, white tea catechins have been found to counteract these risk factors. White tea catechins have been shown to suppress the activity of bone-eroding cells. Additionally, white tea has a higher concentration of these catechins than other types of tea, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to promote bone health.

3. Conveniently Brewing

Glass cup of freshly brewed coffee
Freshly brewed coffee

White tea is not only beneficial for health but it is also easy to prepare. To make white tea, simply add the loose white tea leaves into a pot and pour hot water over them. Let the leaves steep for about five to eight minutes, then strain the tea and serve.

It is important to note that the ideal water temperature for steeping white tea is between 170-185°F (75-85°C). Using boiling water can ruin the delicate flavor of white tea, so it is best to bring the water to a rolling boil and then let it cool for a few seconds before pouring it over the tea leaves. White tea has a mild and refreshing taste, and it can be enjoyed both hot and cold.

4. Promoting Dental Health

Dental Health - SocialDhara
Dental Health

White tea not only has health benefits, but it is also good for dental health due to its components such as catechins, tannins, and fluoride. These substances help to strengthen your enamel, which protects against bacterial acid damage and can prevent cavities. Catechins, a type of flavonoid found in white tea, may also assist in preventing plaque buildup on your teeth.

When preparing white tea, it is important to note that it has a delicate flavor that can be easily ruined by using boiling water. To avoid this, bring the water to a rolling boil and let it cool for a few seconds before pouring it over the loose white tea leaves in a pot. Allow the leaves to steep for five to eight minutes, then filter the tea and serve. White tea can be enjoyed both hot and cold, and it has a mild but energizing flavor.

5. Anti-Aging Benefits

Anti-age effect - SocialDhara
Anti-age effect

While skin aging is a natural process, it can be accelerated by various factors. External factors such as environmental pollutants and UV radiation can contribute to skin aging, while internal factors like the accumulation of free radicals can also play a role. Fortunately, white tea has been found to have potential anti-aging effects both externally and internally.

Research suggests that white tea can be applied topically to the skin to help prevent damage from UV rays. This is due to the presence of polyphenols, which have been shown to have photoprotective effects. Additionally, the polyphenols in white tea may help delay premature aging by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation within the body. By incorporating white tea into your skincare routine and diet, you may be able to support healthy, youthful-looking skin.

6. Potential Cancer-Fighting Properties

Young woman with cancer reading book, cancer awareness concept.
Cancer awareness

White tea is a promising chemopreventive and anticancer agent due to its potential to induce apoptosis, or cell death, and inhibit the growth of new cancer cells. With high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids, white tea has been shown to prevent the growth of cancer cells and possess antimutagenic properties. Promising results have already been observed in the treatment of prostate, colon, and stomach cancer, with a success rate of up to 50%.

7. Heart-Healthy Benefits

Elderly patient, nursing and nurse with a stethoscope listening to heartbeat during a health consul
Heart Health Checkup

White tea’s rich flavonoid content has been associated with a decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These flavonoids are beneficial in lowering blood pressure, improving endothelial function, preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein, and reducing dyslipidemia. White tea also enhances the function of arteries and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and has blood-thinning properties. Overall, white tea is an excellent choice for promoting heart health and maintaining a healthy circulatory system.

8. Boosting Immunity

Sick man wrapped in blanket drinking tea at home.
Sick man drinking tea for immunity boosting

Recent research has shown that white tea also has the potential to boost the immune system. It possesses antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, making it even more beneficial than green tea. White tea has been found to protect immune cells, including Langerhans cells, which are sensitive to UV exposure and responsible for detecting malignant byproducts. Studies have shown that white tea extracts can help restore immunological activity in Langerhans cells, protecting them from UV radiation and boosting the immune system’s ability to fight diseases.

9. Tannins in White Tea

Kids Enjoying Tea
Kids Enjoying Tea

Tannins are another type of phytochemical found in tea that has antioxidant properties. While they are a subtype of catechin, their chemical composition differs significantly. Tannins have additional hydroxyl groups, up to 20, which makes them larger in molecular weight and more reactive. They can combine with proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates to create complexes.

Proanthocyanidins, a specific type of tannin, have been shown to promote good blood pressure, heart health, and cellular health by protecting cells from damage. White tea does contain some tannins and proanthocyanidins, though black and oolong teas typically have higher levels of tannins compared to white tea.

10. Antibacterial Properties

Cup for herbal tea
Antibacterial properties in tea

White tea’s antibacterial properties, as mentioned earlier, can protect the skin from bacteria and other pathogens. It is also a key ingredient in several products, such as hand soap. Consuming white tea may help protect the body against bacteria and other harmful germs that cause infections.

To enjoy the full benefits of white tea, it is best to purchase and brew it from loose leaves. Brewing tea from loose leaves ensures that the nutrients are in their natural state, which is preferable to processed tea bags.

Brewing white tea is similar to brewing other types of tea. It is recommended to use pure or clean water for brewing. The water should be heated until it is thoroughly boiled, but not brought to a boil, as this could damage the delicate components.

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Khushi Gupta
Khushi Gupta
Khushi Gupta is a second-year B. Tech (C.S.) student at GLA University, Mathura. She has a strong passion for writing and likes to read novels. She can also play a mean game of chess. Her aim is to become software developer.

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