Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeSocialLifestyleThe Secrets To Getting Healthy Hair

The Secrets To Getting Healthy Hair

For what it’s worth guys, our hair is one of the most changeable part of our body. Be it our lifestyle, our genes, our food eating habits or even the water we bathe with. These all play a very, very significant part in how our hair turns out. If anyone of these changes, or if there’s any deficiency in our body, the first sign you have to look for is the changes in your hair. If you are wondering, why your hair is breaking, is getting brittle, thinning it all comes down to these factors. Hence today we are going to read about some quick tricks that will help you get your own healthy hair.

Look After Your Diet

We always think that as long as we are exercising and working out, nothing wrong can happen to our bodies. Maybe for some people this works but for others it surely doesn’t. People think that no matter what they eat, they can still workout and keep their body weight in check. And yes, it’s correct. But this notion can only take you so far. When you don’t give the exact nutrients your body needs, be it proteins, zinc, calcium it slowly starts to affect you.

So, it is great that you are working out. But pay attention to what food you actually digest. Cravings are tough to ignore, but push back the consumption of fast food as much as you can. Even if you can not ignore your cravings make sure that you do eat healthy food too.

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Juicy fresh fruits
  • Yoghurt
  • Salad
  • Dal

These are some of the foods that should go inside your body. Pay attention to what you eat. Make sure that most of the time it’s home made food and not some hotel’s.

Choose Right Products For Your Hair

In the world that we live in today, there are thousands upon thousands of products in the market. But can you trust all of them with your hair? Absolutely no! Even though the advertisements claims how great and natural there product is, we all know it’s just a scam. So, it’s yourself you can trust to choose what products are actually good for your hair. The shampoo you use, the conditioner you apply, the hair oil you massage your head with. They all are a huge deal for your hair.

Certain chemicals like sulphates, ammonium lauryl sulphate or sodium lauryl they are all harmful for your hair. The choice of your shampoo and conditioner depends upon what the texture of your hair is. If your hair is dry, if your hair is thin, if your hair has dandruff. You need to be selective of the product that you apply. And at no point should you think that if you pay high amount for a product or but expensive serums, your hair will be shining. No. You need to know your hair.

You need to know what actually suits it and what doesn’t. Your shampoo should not only clean your hair but should also make it stronger. The conditioner you apply shall condition and smoothen your hair. Do not apply anything that is new in the market. Choose wisely and look for the ingredients and materials used to produce the product.

Hair Maintenance Tricks

  • Treat your hair gently when it’s wet. Because when your hair is wet, it is three times more vulnerable to any damages that you can cause.
  • Do not blow dry your recently washed wet hair. The hot air that the machine blows with the high force creates efficient damage to your nerve cells and decrease the growth of your hair.
  • Avoid putting your hair through heat and curler and straightener and other machines as much as you can. They make your hair thinner and easily breakable.
  • Apply home made pasted. The rice water, onion juice, Fenugreek paste, these are all amazing ingredients that you can easily find at your place and make your hair super strong and shiny. The best part? They are cheap. And they work. Without any side effects.
  • Detangle your hair gently with a thick tooth brush and tie it loosely before going to sleep. Open hair while sleeping can destroy your lengths. And if possible use a satin silk pillowcase beneath your head. The satin case doesn’t suck out all the Oils your hair and provide with more softness.

Every body has a different texture of hair just like skin. And ever one’s hair need different kind of treatment. Not always the one same rule works for everybody. Take time to know what actually helps your hair and nourish it into the version you want. Take care !

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Muskan Agarwal
Muskan Agarwal
Muskan is a psychology and philosophy student at Ravenshaw University. She is passionate about reading novels and has always been interested in writing blogs.

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