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Top 10 Skincare Tips for The Changing Season

Seasonal variations and various variables, such as heat and humidity, or a lack thereof, have an impact on the skin. The humidity in the air begins to decrease as winter approaches. After washing or scrubbing, people with normal to dry skin have a taut feeling in their skin. Those with oily skin remark that after washing, their skin feels dry, but after using creams, it becomes oily and prone to breakouts. When the seasons change, oily skin can become dehydrated as well. Normal to dry skin can become rough and flaky, or even extremely sensitive, resulting in rough red spots.

Effect of Spring on Skin

Spring is on its way, which means fun in the sun, lovely sundresses, and a fresh, clean appearance. When it comes to skincare, people rely on the experts to help them pull it all together. During this season, the skin gets center stage, and you want it to look and feel great.

However, because of the pollution and pollen in the air, spring can bring difficulties such as allergies, itching, rashes, and inflamed skin. Itchiness is one of the first things that irritate the skin.

Hence below mentioned are a few tips that are helpful in maintaining the skin in the spring season:

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1. Exfoliating

This time of year, exfoliation is the name of the game for the skin. Because the intense cold and rains may have resulted in a long build-up of dead cells on the skin, scrubbing is a must for the face and body once a week to remove all dirt, oil, and dead cells. Sugar and coffee scrubs, for example, may nourish the skin while also clearing clogged pores, leaving you with a fresh, bright complexion.

Despite the flaking caused by cold weather, dry skin sufferers are often hesitant to use an exfoliant in the dead of winter. Many individuals avoid exfoliating in the winter because it dries out their skin, but when the weather warms up and the humidity rises, the skin is better able to tolerate acids and stronger active ingredient compositions. Thus, spring is the ideal time to reintroduce exfoliation and brighten dull skin that has developed during the winter.

2. Switching to a lighter moisturizer

While heavy creams seem like a lifesaver on dry winter skin, they’re a different storey when applied to a sticky, sweaty face. Thus, using appropriate emollients and occlusives to prevent transepidermal water loss when the weather is cold and dry is essential. There might be no need for as many heavy occlusives to keep our skin hydrated when the temperatures and humidity rise, and heavy creams can feel sticky and oily. Thus, it will feel better to use lighter moisturizers with humectants and emollients.

3. Upgrading SPF usage

After months of being covered up in hoodies, mufflers, scarves, and beanies, it’s critical to protect yourself with good sunscreen. Spring, according to numerous health and beauty experts, is the season when individuals complain about sunburns and sun damage. Because the skin is adjusting to the warmer weather outside, it is often unable to cope with the powerful solar rays, resulting in sunburns or sun damage. As a result, wearing a good SPF can help protect the skin from UV damage.

During the summer, the earth is physically closer to the sun, so UV radiations are stronger. In the spring and summer, increasing the SPF to at least 50+ and ensuring that the products offer broad-spectrum protection is crucial to guaranteeing adequate sun protection.

4. Hydration

The skin becomes especially susceptible to the extremes of the weather as the seasons change. Although the weather is warmer in the summer, generally people are unaware that their skin is dehydrated and requires hydration. Every day, drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water, or 2 litres for appropriate hydration.

Alternatively, after finishing the day and before going to bed, cleanse your skin with rose water. Rose water is known for its ability to calm our skin, protect it from sun damage, and moisturize it. Rosewater also has anti-inflammatory effects and can help to adjust the skin’s pH. Milk, honey, and curd are some more natural foods that can be used to hydrate the skin.

5. Cleaning the beauty arsenal

Consider springtime the cue to Marie Kondo your beauty items if you haven’t done so in the last few months. Washcloths, sponges, cosmetic brushes, and applicators should all be cleaned and/or replaced as needed. These are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria, yeast, and mould, irritating the skin and contributing to breakouts and infections.

Also, anything that has passed its expiration date, which can generally be found on the bottom of the packaging, should be discarded. To find out how long your goods will last after opening, search for a sign with an open jar and the word m. (for example, 12m indicates that the product is good for 12 months after opening). Keep in mind that even if a product hasn’t been opened, active chemicals will degrade with time and become less potent and effective.

If you can’t seem to locate any markings, use the smell test. If something doesn’t look, smell, or feel the same as it did when you bought it, it’s time to throw it out.

6. Using Vitamin C-Rich Natural Ingredients

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to prevent wrinkles and the ageing process. Furthermore, it aids in the formation of collagen, which is normally reduced as a result of different factors like stress and age, as well as drastic changes in weather.

To give the skin a boost of vitamin C, try using natural items like orange peel, lemon juice, strawberries, or blueberries. Mix 1 tsp powdered orange peel with 1 tsp aloe vera gel and 1/2 tsp lemon juice to make a natural face pack. After it has dried, apply it to the face and wash it off after a few minutes.

7. Not to forget the lips

Your lips will normally become dry and chaffed during the winter season, indicating that they need some sensitive, loving care. Damage to your lips can be more subtle during the summer and spring. Always remember to use a chapstick with SPF.

8. Keeping a check on the use of retinol

Despite its popularity, retinol should be used with caution throughout the spring season. Retinol promotes cell turnover, which involves the removal of dead cells and the replacement of them with new ones. When exposed to the light, these fresh, brand-new cells are more susceptible to burn. Continue to utilize retinol in your skincare routine; however, throughout the Spring and Summer months, it should be used closer to sleep.

9. Using the good old power of steam

Steaming is an excellent way to keep the skin looking beautiful. To get rid of noticeable pores on your face, it is recommended to use steam once a week. It will also revitalize the skin cells and give a brighter complexion.

10. Consuming a Healthy Diet

Last but not least, eat a nutritious, well-balanced meal rich in seasonal vegetables and fruits. Because the food habits reflect on the face, the skin is the first thing that reveals a lot about your eating habits. Increasing the intake of fibre and protein to avoid eating items that are unhealthy for your body and skin, is beneficial.

Spring is a lovely season. Blooming flowers and dry leaves turning green are a visual treat for the eyes. The change in season, on the other hand, presents a significant challenge to your skin’s health. As a result, taking care of the skin in the spring becomes a must.

Aayushi Chopra
Aayushi Chopra
Aayushi Chopra is a law student who is interested in creating content on education, lifestyle, law, health, and environment. She enjoys researching different topics and then expressing her views on them.

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