Have you just blown out your eighteenth candle and hit that dreaded yet exciting phase popularly coined as adulthood? Often in our childhood and teenage, we have dreamed of and wished for this one thing to the lord that is to grow quickly. Ever since then time flies and hence every nano second becomes essentially vital and should be respected.
There are few things that demand the youthful spirit and challenging attitude that are best experienced in this age. You get old every fraction of a second. Thus not wasting much time let’s learn about those freaking normal activities one should do before one hits that 2 digit in their age.
So all you enthusiasts out there, here are 9 to-do things you should not miss before you turn 20:
1. Run a marathon

A marathon usually refers to run a particular distance for a cause. The one who finishes the aimed distance and races out everyone is termed as the winner of the marathon. The monetary collection that the organizers of the marathon receive via participants and sponsors is donated for the cause.
There are exciting prizes for winners. You run a marathon to promote a certain cause and spread awareness regarding it amongst the masses. This is not just socially beneficial but running actually offers you numerous health benefits. You need to start preparing in advance in order to be competent to run in a marathon thus making you agile and providing you with its health benefits.
Running a marathon is altogether a neo and unique experience in itself. Don’t forget to take your friends along with you. It will enhance your experience and will certainly be cherry on the cake.
2. Go to a festival

There are numerous cultural fests and local fests arranged over a year at different places that have gained certain popularity. Like for those having their native as Mumbai, Mumbai’s Kala ghoda art festival showcases talents ranging from poetry to dance, from filmmaking to comedy and much more things.
These festivals are a wonderful opportunity to meet varied talents and increase your network without failing to get entertained. These festivals and fairs have variety of shops and stalls installed during the festival. It’s a perfect stop for all the shopping lovers. Thus one can also have a quality family and leisure time over here.
3. Learn a foreign language

Learning something new has always helped in improving an individual’s concentration by making one focused and it enhances the memory as well. Learning a new Language in that sense doesn’t merely provide you with those mental gains but it boosts your confidence as well and allows you to connect with other cultures. You get an edge in your professional career due to this one additional skill in your resume. It has a positive impact on your social relations along with the relations with your peers.
Foreign languages like Spanish, French, Italian, German, etc. is gaining popularity. If you speak these languages with their typical accent, it will indeed be the topping on the pizza. So let’s feed the brain with a fresh and neo vocab dictionary. Apps like Duolingo are indeed very helpful for this purpose.
4. Save our planet

The youth is a reservoir of energy and idea flowing rapidly. Thus channelizing this energy in the right direction to save our mother earth is crucial. You must take some concrete measures in your youth to save nature so that you reap it’s fruits in your old age. One can plant trees, go for beach cleanups, adorn the surroundings by painting walls, install garbage bins in public places, spread awareness, etc.
It’s a wise decision to join an NGO or a social body that is concerned about the environment so that you can participate and volunteer in the activities conducted by them. Working selflessly for a cause is altogether a different feeling.
5. Explore your own country

As it’s rightly said,
'Mid pleasures and palaces though I may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home'
Our home that is our country should undoubtedly explored and understood first before we fly to other lands. The uniqueness as well as the similarities, the genius architectural works, talents, landscapes that our land is bestowed with should be appreciated and shared to the world as we fly. So guys don’t miss any opportunity to travel and unravel the beauties of this world. Travel truly broadens the mind.
6. Rise early

'Early to bed , early to rise, Makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise'.
This age old adage has immense wisdom in it. The extra early hours that you get when you wake up early is indeed a boon. You can plan for your entire day, exercise and meditate in peace, read a book, prepare your breakfast, take a walk, hear the chirping of birds, watch the beautiful sunrise and whatever you wish. Where as when you lie till late hours on your bed you loose so much of these. So peeps don’t waste the most energetic hours of your life sleeping, wake up early and climb the ladder of success creating some great memories.
7. Pursue a internship

It’s always good to start growing professionally and start becoming financially independent. Pursuing an internship is a great initiative in this direction. Undertaking an internship succeeds in giving you a corporate working environment whilst giving you a sense of accomplishment when you receive your hard earned money. Internships also enhance your skills be it technical, social, communicational, etc.
Thus, internships hold value in your CV. Employers look out for the quantity and the variety of internships you have undertaken. The certificate of completion and the LOR’s (Letter of Recommendation) are very important during this course.
8. Find a hobby

A hobby is that, that doesn’t make you feel tired, instead it refreshens you and you can keep going with it for hours without any break. This will be helpful when life stresses start piling up as we grow. You can have hobbies like painting, drawing, reading, dancing, writing watching nature, cooking, listening music, playing an instrument or as simple as doing nothing and simply enjoying your solitude.
Be it whatever, do find your favourite activity and cultivate it further as there is no other happiness in losing oneself into the stuff one truly loves.
9. Prepare your bucket list

Prepare a list of goals that you feel should be achieved within your 30. Work in the direction to accomplish them. Leave no regrets for the future you. Do everything you wish with full zeal and stay happy.
Keep reading and enjoying.
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