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Women in Forest Management: Challenges and Solutions

In 2023, India recorded a sex ratio of 106.516 males for every 100 females in its population. The male populace totaled 736.85 million, while females numbered 691.78 million, constituting 51.58% and 48.42% of the population, respectively. Notably, India experienced an excess male population of 45.08 million, reflecting certain societal imbalances.

Despite India’s rapid economic growth over the past two decades, gender disparities persist in crucial human development metrics such as life expectancy, healthcare, and employment. Women, predominantly engaged in the informal sector, lack legislative protections, and societal norms, often relegating them to subordinate roles within the family and society. Despite their substantial contributions, women have remained largely invisible in developmental planning, with initiatives primarily directed toward male heads of households.

The Interplay of Poverty and Forest Conservation

The intersection of poverty alleviation and forest conservation underscores the vital connection between economic progress and environmental sustainability. Rural women, who heavily rely on land and water-based activities for sustenance, face challenges in regions marked by poverty and deforestation. Sustainable forest management becomes imperative as it directly impacts the livelihoods of millions dependent on natural resources for survival.

Women as Environmental Stewards

In rural India, approximately 147 million people inhabit villages situated in or near forest areas, with an additional 275 million relying on forests for their livelihoods. Women, often the first to bear the brunt of environmental degradation, face hardships such as fuelwood shortages and water scarcity, leading to adverse effects on their daily lives and the education of girl children.

Empowering Women in Environmental Conservation

Recognizing the pivotal role of women in environmental conservation, concerted efforts have emerged where women actively participate in initiatives aimed at eco-restoration and sustainable resource management. Women’s involvement not only enhances the productivity of communal lands but also safeguards environmental resources for future generations.

Exploring Perspectives on Women and Forests

Regarding the relationship between women and forests, differing perspectives exist. While eco-feminism highlights the interconnectedness between the oppression of women and nature, others emphasize the economic and political dimensions of gender dynamics in resource management.

The Role of Women in Forest Management

The roles women assume in forestry, including subsistence gathering, wage labor, tree cultivation, and participation in community forestry programs, underscore their multifaceted contributions to environmental sustainability and economic resilience.

In summary, addressing gender disparities in forest management requires nuanced approaches that consider both socio-economic factors and gender dynamics. Empowering women and recognizing their agency in environmental conservation efforts are integral steps toward achieving sustainable development and gender equality.

Women as Gatherers: A Vital Economic Role

Gathering in Poverty Alleviation: In India, poverty often correlates with limited private land ownership or low land productivity. However, changes in forest resource collection, despite their significance, often escape notice and remain unaccounted for in national economic measures. For impoverished women, gathering represents a crucial economic activity. Interestingly, women’s social status tends to be higher in well-forested villages compared to commercialized ones lacking forests.

Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs): Women play a central role in collecting what are termed as minor forest products (MFPs) or non-timber forest produce (NTFP), including fodder, grasses, raw materials for artisan-based activities, various food items, and medicinal plants. Gender roles in activities related to NTFPs in West Bengal depict a significant involvement of women, particularly in gathering and processing.

Knowledge Disparities and Environmental Impact: While men often engage in labor-intensive tasks like timber cutting, women predominantly focus on NTFP collection, fodder, and fuelwood. Consequently, women possess more extensive knowledge about forest resources. However, the adverse impacts of deforestation and commercial plantations pose significant challenges to both women and forest dwellers, undermining their livelihoods and traditional knowledge.

Policy Implications and Historical Context: Historical forest policies, spanning almost a century, prioritized timber production and commercial exploitation over community interests and environmental sustainability. The policies largely disregarded the needs and voices of women, tribals, and other forest dwellers, contributing to environmental degradation and social marginalization.

Migration and Socio-Economic Shifts: In addition to deforestation, various socio-economic factors such as stagnant agriculture, displacement, and lack of opportunities have fueled large-scale migration of rural tribal populations to urban areas. Notably, a subtle shift in migration patterns has seen an increase in single women migrating in search of livelihoods, indicating changing socio-economic dynamics within tribal communities.

Forest Policy Reforms: In response to mounting challenges, shifts in forest policies have aimed to empower forest dwellers and prioritize environmental conservation. However, implementation gaps and bureaucratic hurdles have hampered the effective realization of policy objectives, perpetuating the marginalization of forest communities.

Legal Framework and Community Rights: Legislative measures such as the Forest Rights Act (FRA) have sought to recognize and protect the rights of forest dwellers, including access to and ownership of NTFPs. However, challenges persist in translating legal safeguards into tangible improvements in livelihoods and resource management.

Challenges in NTFP Production and Marketing: Enhancing NTFP production, improving access for forest dwellers, and maximizing income through marketing pose significant challenges. Complex regulatory frameworks, monopolistic practices, and inadequate marketing infrastructure hinder the economic empowerment of gatherers, particularly women entrepreneurs.

Addressing the complexities surrounding NTFP governance and marketing requires concerted efforts to reform policies, empower forest communities, and promote sustainable resource management practices. Bridging knowledge gaps, enhancing market access, and fostering community-led initiatives are critical steps toward realizing the economic potential of non-timber forest products while ensuring environmental sustainability and social equity.

Enhancing Gatherers’ Livelihoods

Ensuring fair compensation for forest gatherers is essential for their economic well-being. While de-nationalization may not entirely alleviate market constraints faced by gatherers, there are effective strategies that can enhance their margins without distorting market dynamics.

Government Support Prices: Implementing support prices for Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) can significantly benefit gatherers. Similar to the model applied to agricultural produce like wheat and rice, state agencies can engage in aggressive buying of NTFPs, breaking the dominance of wholesale traders and ensuring fair compensation for gatherers.

Challenges of Price Support: While price support combined with aggressive government buying can improve gatherers’ incomes, sustaining this model poses challenges. Government corporations often incur losses and rely on continuous subsidies. Careful management is necessary to prevent inefficiency and corruption within these organizations.

Market Development and Micro-Enterprise: Encouraging processing and micro-enterprise development presents opportunities to add value to NTFPs and enhance gatherers’ incomes. Simple processing activities such as broom making and tamarind processing can be undertaken locally, reducing dependence on middlemen and enhancing economic opportunities.

Role of NGOs and Government Policies: Involving NGOs can improve processing efficiency and market access for gatherers. Initiatives in Southwest Bengal have demonstrated the potential for increased incomes through improved processing technologies and marketing support.

Key Inputs for Micro-Enterprise Development: Facilitating the organization of gatherers into cooperatives, providing access to working capital, and offering skill upgrading programs are critical for the success of micro-enterprises. Investments in storage, transport infrastructure, and market information further support sustainable NTFP-based enterprises.

Rather than monopolizing the purchase of NTFPs or withdrawing from the market entirely, the government should provide support prices and adopt market-friendly policies. Encouraging local processing and facilitating direct engagement between large buyers and gatherers can reduce intermediary layers and enhance gatherers’ incomes. Additionally, initiatives to promote sustainable silvicultural practices can further encourage NTFP production. By implementing these strategies, governments can foster a more equitable and sustainable environment for forest gatherers while promoting economic development in rural areas.

Empowering Women in Forestry

In forestry operations, women often find themselves preferred for certain tasks such as nursery work, transplanting, and tendu leaf collection. However, despite their significant contributions, they face numerous challenges including unequal pay, irregular payment, and harassment for voicing concerns. Gender-sensitive monitoring mechanisms can play a pivotal role in rectifying these disparities and ensuring equitable wages for women.

The Social Forestry Programme in Orissa highlighted the dire working conditions of women, who receive minimal benefits of labor laws and lack safety measures despite engaging in physically demanding tasks outdoors. Payment discrepancies between men and women persist, with women often coerced into silence due to fear of repercussions.

Despite women contributing up to 300 million days in wage employment for forest produce collection, there exists a glaring absence of regulations governing their working conditions and entitlements. Issues ranging from working hours to safety precautions and access to basic amenities remain unaddressed, perpetuating gender inequality in forestry work.

The transition from communal to private land ownership has further marginalized women in farm forestry, limiting their access to credit, inputs, and extension services. While initiatives like wasteland development programs aim to provide additional land for tree planting, women continue to face challenges in asserting their rights against male-dominated decision-making processes.

Read: Ecofeminism in India: Contribution of Female in Environment Conservation

In community forestry and Joint Forest Management (JFM) initiatives, women’s participation and empowerment are essential for sustainable forest management. However, government support and gender-sensitive policies are often lacking, hindering the effective involvement of women in decision-making processes and forest management activities.

Efforts to enhance women’s participation in forestry require a paradigm shift in policy and implementation. While JFM initiatives offer flexibility in sharing authority between communities and government agencies, there is a need for greater transparency, capacity-building, and inclusivity to ensure equitable and effective forest management.

Addressing the constraints faced by women in forestry requires concerted efforts from policymakers, government agencies, and civil society organizations. By promoting gender-sensitive policies, providing access to resources, and empowering women as decision-makers, forestry initiatives can foster inclusive and sustainable practices that benefit both communities and the environment.

Women’s Participation in Joint Forest Management (JFM)

Women’s participation in Joint Forest Management (JFM) initiatives remains a challenge due to various social, cultural, and economic constraints. Despite efforts to integrate women into decision-making processes, their involvement often remains nominal, and they face numerous barriers to meaningful participation.

Barriers to Women’s Participation in JFM

  1. Social and Cultural Constraints: Women often face resistance and marginalization within male-dominated decision-making structures. Social norms and cultural practices limit their ability to attend meetings, speak up, and assert their opinions.
  2. Limited Representation: Women’s representation in JFM committees and executive bodies is low, and they often hold symbolic roles without real decision-making power. Women’s voices are often sidelined, and their concerns are not adequately addressed.
  3. Logistical Challenges: Women face logistical constraints such as meeting times conflicting with household responsibilities, illiteracy, and lack of public speaking experience. These barriers further hinder their active participation in JFM activities.
  4. Elite Capture: Elite capture within JFM committees perpetuates power imbalances and undermines the interests of marginalized groups, including women. Decision-making processes are often controlled by forest officials or influential male members, marginalizing women’s voices.

Recommendations for Promoting Women’s Participation in JFM

  1. Policy Reforms: JFM resolutions should clearly outline the role of women and ensure their meaningful participation in decision-making processes. Policies should mandate the inclusion of women representatives in JFM committees and executive bodies.
  2. Capacity Building: Women should be provided with training and support to enhance their leadership skills, public speaking abilities, and understanding of forest management principles. Capacity-building initiatives can empower women to actively engage in JFM activities.
  3. Gender-Sensitive Approaches: Forest departments and implementing agencies must adopt gender-sensitive approaches to facilitate women’s participation in JFM. This includes scheduling meetings at convenient times for women, creating separate women’s cells within committees, and addressing cultural barriers.
  4. Awareness and Sensitization: Efforts should be made to raise awareness about the importance of women’s participation in JFM among forest officials, community members, and stakeholders. Sensitization programs can promote gender equality and encourage supportive attitudes towards women’s involvement.
  5. Inclusive Decision-Making: Decision-making processes within JFM committees should be inclusive and transparent, ensuring that women’s voices are heard and their perspectives considered in all aspects of forest management.
  6. Resource Allocation: Adequate resources should be allocated to support women’s participation in JFM, including funding for capacity building, training programs, and women-led initiatives within forest communities.
  7. Legal Support: Legal frameworks should be strengthened to protect women’s rights and ensure their equitable access to forest resources. Legislation should enforce gender equality provisions and address discrimination against women in JFM initiatives.
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation of JFM projects should include gender-disaggregated data and indicators to assess the participation and impact of women. Feedback mechanisms should be established to address gaps and improve women’s engagement in JFM.

Enhancing women’s participation in Joint Forest Management requires a multifaceted approach that addresses social, cultural, economic, and policy barriers. By promoting gender equality, empowering women, and fostering inclusive decision-making processes, JFM initiatives can harness the full potential of women as agents of sustainable forest management and community development.

Ravi S. Behera
Ravi S. Behera
Mr. Ravi Shankar Behera, PGDAEM, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad is an independent freelance Consultant and Author based in Bhubaneswar. He is an Honorary Advisor to grassroots Voluntary Organizations on Food Security, Forest and Environment, Natural Resource Management, Climate Change and Social Development issues. Ravi has lived and worked in various states of India and was associated with international donors and NGOs over the last twenty three years including ActionAid, DanChurchAid, Embassy of Sweden/Sida, Aide et Action, Sightsavers, UNICEF, Agragamee, DAPTA and Practical Action. He has a keen interest in indigenous communities and food policy issues.

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